After each use, expose burlap side of blanket to sun or air, allowing burlap to dry, then continue the application over and over-- following this procedure.
- Roll Size : 10' x 100' (1000ft2)
- BurLene has the strength and water-distribution features of 10 oz. burlap combined with the moisture-retention and reflective features of 4 mil white opaque poly, exrtuded into burlap.
- Burlap is a revolutionary method of curing concrete. Designed especially for the curing of concrete slabs, such as bridge decks, highways, buildings, airport runways, military installations.
- Burlene offers two important functions that make the big difference in results.
- Burlene burlap layer distributes water evenly (much like the wick in an oil lamp.)
- White opaque poly layer helps hold in the moisture and reflects the sun's rays to help keen the concrete wet and cooler at a more even temprature.
- BurLene has already proved its great advantages in many areas, and is being approved as one of the most effective, most economical methods of concrete curing on the market today.